Engage Your Learners
Support Your Mentors
We learn and remember information through our senses. As we grow and develop as Learners, information presents in multiple formats. Our brains process that information, organize it, and make meaning. We may develop preferences in how we receive, organize, and use new knowledge. This has been described as learning styles or modes.
Learning theory helps you understand how you learn best and will also help when presenting information to Learners so the outcome is more successful. The key to using learning styles is to reflect on which modality would be best for the information presented and how to use the other modalities to support the presentation. Using multiple modalities expands the likelihood that more Learners will be able to comprehend the new knowledge.
So, how do you apply learning theory to an LMS? You build a system that supports all of the irreplaceable players; Content Masters and Creators, Mentors and Learners.