Elementary Challenges

Mentor Inspired Learning projects for students in grades K-6 begin a child’s journey into the wider world by piquing their curiosity and challenging them to contribute their own ideas. All IC Challenges for elementary are always based in content standards and have an emphasis in literacy. IC Challenges are designed for teachers by teachers.

Inspired Classroom is dedicated to supporting teachers, caregivers, and parents with scenario driven distance learning challenges FREE OF CHARGE thanks to the sponsorship of our amazing partner mentor organizations. Regardless of your school’s plan, we have a virtual challenge experience that fits your needs. Watch this short video to see how an IC Challenge on the MentorIC platform delivers deep learning to your students.

If you have questions, please email Greg Zorbas, Inspired Classroom' Project Manager

Start Using an IC Challenge Project with YOUR students as easy as 1,2,3,…4!

1. Select an IC Challenge from the TOPIC MENU below.

2. Go to www.icchallenge.org to create an account.

3. Login to your account and Create a Class. Watch this video to learn how to create a class. NOTE: If you wish to teach this as a whole class or with an individual student, click the Guided Mode check box when creating your class.

4. Review all of the materials on your dashboard then GET READY, GET SET, TEACH!

After creating an account, login to your selected challenges directly on the icchallenge.org webpage.

Need help? email Greg: greg@inspiredclassroom.com


Beautiful Bees-A Pollinator Project for Elementary Students

The researchers at MPG Ranch in Montana have been studying the impact of pollinators, especially wild bees, on the ecosystem. This project brings their work to elementary students in an understandable and fun format. Get kids excited about observing natural phenomena and investigating the relationship between native pollinators and native plants.

All materials for both the teacher and students are provided to research, make observations, take notes and then write a creative but accurate two-voice poem about the similarities and differences of bees and plants. This project meets both science and literacy standards.

Another benefit of getting students engaged in this project is the extension possibility of going outside this spring, taking nature notes, and comparing the critters and plants at MPG Ranch and those in your own neighborhood. SO FUN!

Click the button below this to sign in if you already have an account or register if you are a new user. This will give you access to BEAUTIFUL BEES!

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: W11GLGMH

Elementary Mountain Lion Challenge

The Mountain Lion Challenge is sponsored by our mentor partners MPG Ranch, a phenomenal biological research station dedicated to educational outreach.  This IC Challenge projects uses real-time data, video, and field notes gathered by mountain lion trackers over the past several years. Check out the video, Tracking Ghosts, about the study here!

Students learn about the characteristics, habitat, food sources, and family groups of mountain lions on MPG in their research journey. They use the information to write a scientific mystery from the mountain lion’s point of view, explaining how the mother mountain lion and her young family survive. The mystery story will help explain this synthesizes this important science in an engaging project for all learners.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: NK9P5KS6


Elementary Golden Eagle Challenge

Students are challenged to research and write their own chapter to help spread awareness about Golden Eagles and other migrating birds and the dangers facing them. Students use Google Earth, videos, and vetted resources in their research. Check out this sample video here!

With the help of mentor partners MPG Ranch and  Raptor View Research Institute scientists, students learn about Golden Eagles, habitat, and risks.

Students pick one problem and write a bird travel story from the 'eagle eye' point of view. The story includes: drawing of an eagle avatar, map, description of the birds and habitat in the area, description of the problem to solve, and the proposed solution.. The final product will be a chapter in an ebook with Xerxes, the eagle, and friends.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: KYXLY5HE


Superhero Bear: Grizzly 399

In the Northwestern United States, there is a magnificent species called the grizzly bear. As prime habitat decreases for these animals that have ranges up to 600 square miles, more and more conflicts are making their survival harder

Grizzly 399 is a magnificent bear that lives in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. View an amazing video about 399 here!

Students will learn about the natural history, habitat, and challenges faced by grizzly bears and then use that knowledge to work through the process of creating a comic strip or graphic novel to build awareness about this endangered animal.

This FREE standards-based curriculum is sponsored by Love the Wild Foundation. Teacher and student resources and step-by-step directions make this an ideal project for face-to-face, hybrid, or remote learning.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: VJWSGR3U

S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Creative and Inventive ThinkingGrades 1-6Liam, Emma, Noah, and Olivia are siblings. Their school is currently closed and they are really trying to stay busy and still have fun but it is difficult. They have played board games, read bo…

S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Creative and Inventive Thinking

Grades 1-6

Liam, Emma, Noah, and Olivia are siblings. Their school is currently closed and they are really trying to stay busy and still have fun but it is difficult. They have played board games, read books, watched TV, and even done school work. They are looking for something new to do. Liam remembered learning about inventors in school so he taught the others about SCAMPERing a new idea. All four of them looked around the house for materials they could use. The four of them used SCAMPER inventive thinking to create a new board game that combined chess, checkers, and charades. They loved it!

After learning how to SCAMPER an original idea, use your creativity to invent a new game, toy, or activity from common household items. Write some rules and a description of your new invention and include a photo of it. Upload your idea for others to enjoy or build on their own.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: 4CIKLN7S

Love the Wild Upcycle ChallengeAfter learning about upcycling and plastics, create an upcycled product. Be inventive! Be creative! Be useful! Look around the house for items that are no longer needed, especially those made of plastic. Create a new p…

Love the Wild Upcycle Challenge

After learning about upcycling and plastics, create an upcycled product. Be inventive! Be creative! Be useful! Look around the house for items that are no longer needed, especially those made of plastic. Create a new product that can either be used by animals or helps people appreciate animals. Then come up with a clever name for the product. Remember, this is something that people might want to buy or make themselves.

In addition to building something new, write directions on how to make it. The directions and photo of the product might be added to a Green Kids Upcycling Project book so that others can use their old junk to build something useful and make better use of plastics.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: 5TLTTHCI

IC Challenge projects for Montana students. Generously supported by Montana organizations.
The world IS your classroom!.png

Montana World Affairs Council GEOQUEST

Montana World Affairs Council is sponsoring GeoQuest 2021 and it is ready for YOUR students! What is GeoQuest? It is a bundle of five interactive learning experiences and a series of virtual speakers focusing on good news from four countries--China, Brazil, Sudan, and Germany. The country experiences are called 'Bytes" and are designed to be quick learning 'bytes' about the country's geography, economy, culture, youth, and good news projects. Each Byte incorporates Google Earth maps, discussion questions, and all of the information needed for both you and the students to complete it. 

The fifth learning experience, GeoQuest, is where students explore the good news coming from each of the four focus countries and then give them resources and steps to examine their own community for a 'good news' project to highlight in a social media post. Brainstorming, decision making, composing a news summary, and writing in the content area are incorporated into this project. In the end, students upload their social media posts about good news in their community. The Montana World Affairs Council may use some of the projects in their weekly Global Good News social media campaign. 

A series of authoritative speakers September-November will meet virtually with your students to talk about their country of focus and answer questions. The recordings of these speakers will also be included in GeoQuest for those not able to attend the live event. Watch for the calendar for sign-ups.

THE BEST NEWS is you can use any one of these as a stand-alone experience or use all of them for a learning unit. It's up to YOU, your learner needs, and your schedule.

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Museum as Megaphone: FGAE Virtual 2020-2021 sponsored by Missoula Art Museum

Grades 4-6 (but can be adjusted)

Welcome to Museum as Megaphone, a distance learning platform from the Missoula Art Museum (MAM)! This course invites 5th graders to tour three exhibitions and make art inspired by the ideas and issues of our time.

The art project can be done with any materials you have on hand: paint, markers, crayons.

Already have an icchallenge.org account? Use Join Code: 6RH219F2